Friday, March 11, 2011
The World Has Stopped
The darkness have won and it swallowed the earth with frights
Then why are we still fighting?
Why don’t we just give up and go to somewhere nice?
Somewhere nice in the afterlife
What? Why?
Why can’t I take more of the war in my head?
It is filled with thousands of question marks
Mixing round into a desperate hope
My faith is wearing thin
How could you?
How could you fade to black?
When you trusted me you will lead the light
You once said the darkness is venom
Well you were right
It has turned your egoism to do betrayal
What now?
How could I get out now?
I ran
And kept running
I ran towards without a point
Fear was blinding my eyes
I was lost
This fading path doesn’t help a bit
The darkness is chasing
Panic rushed from the top to the toe
I couldn’t stop my body from shaking
And I fell
I fell into a cold deep black hole
And I felt like flying
I felt like flying when I land smoothly
I land smoothly on a hard cold land
And it was empty
There’s nothing
It’s just a dark cold box
When suddenly a spotlight appeared
Lighting a regular park bench
What the hell, am I going crazy?
I walked slowly toward it
And I sat on it
Waiting for what happen next
I waited
And waited
I waited in silent
There was only me, the bench, the darkness, and the cold night wind
My body shook so hard and I was sweating
I sweat even when the air was so freezing
Then suddenly
From the swallowing darkness came a lady
She was beautiful, even with her cold, hard expression
She was wearing a simple white dress
Her skin was as pale as her dress
She was walking in a bare feet
Her hair was long, and wavy, and pale-blonde
Her cold eyes were blue
The atmosphere became warmer and colder at the same time
I encourage myself to talk
“Who are you?’’ I asked
The lady smiled coldly
“Well, who do you think I am?”, she asked
I was angry, how do I suppose to know who she is?
“Well then what are you?” I asked defensively
She smiled again
“Well, what do you think I am?” she asked
I kept silent
I kept silent for long
Then when she realized I was angry, she laughed
Her laugh freezes my back
“I’m an angel” she said
Pfft. Yeah RIGHT
“I’m here to answer your questions” she began to warm out
“then why didn’t you answered when I asked who are you?” I asked
She laughed, not a cold laugh but a warm one
She didn’t answer my question
“What is it that you seek?” she asked instead
“I’m seeking for a truth” I said
“I’m seeking for answers of my questions”
She smiled
“Ask me a question then”
And finally, truth
When I asked, my voice was strong and confident
“What is the purpose of my life when I found nothing in it? To where did I run when I ran from reality, when the fear were trying to catch me? What is actually that I’m seeking, besides to seek for a truth?
I didn’t breath
“Where are the light, the love, the path when I need them?”
The lady took a deep breath
And she began to sing
Not singing actually, like a quote with a little up and downs:
The world started with the frightening darkness that morn the earth
And life began with happiness that they called birth
But then life was like a cheating bet
When there’s only a sudden death
You never ran from reality, indeed
Where ever you go, you will always be trapped in it
But reality doesn’t always hurt
You’ll find what you need if you search
The first thing you seek was happiness
But you felt like you never had it, you began to be hopeless
And now what you seek is a purpose
“Now you found it, keep moving on before it’s cureless”
She ended her song in a mysterious voice
I kept quiet
It needed long to me to think about her answers
I have finally found the answers for my darkest secrets
I smiled to her
“Thank you.” I said
“You’re welcome” she smiled
“Now you’re ready to get back?” she asked
“Get back to where?”
“To your home, to your world of course”
For a moment I’ve forgotten that I am in nowhere
I nodded
“You haven’t answered one of my question.” I said
“Where are the light, love, and path?”
She smiled
“I am your light, your love”
And as she waved her hand a shiny path appeared, leading a way trough the darkness
“And your path”
I smiled, stood up, and ready to walk back home
I stopped
“I have one more question” I said
“Go ahead” she said
“Is this real? Or it’s just in my head?”
She smiled mysteriously
“Of course this is in your head, but why can’t it be real?”
I put my first step in the path and walked slowly
“Remember” She said as I walked away from her
“Keep moving on before it’s cureless”
I walked steadily
But then I thought back about the lady
About how beautiful she is
I don’t want to come back home, I said to myself
I turn around
And suddenly as I turned around, everything became dark
The path was gone and something sucked me out
The pain all over my body was so horrid that I screamed
I have forgotten about what she said
Now it’s cureless
Now there’s nothing
This is worse than death
My soul was suspended(what?-_-), and it fades
Worse than death
The Place
There is this place i wanted to go
A place where I can sit alone
A place where I can heal the wounds
And not a single human can found
I want to sit underneath a willow tree somewhere in the middle of a silent savanna
A grass field in the centre of nowhere
A field dream way beneath the lost world
I want to feel the peaceful mellow air there
Put my back onto the willow tree
Read books until the silent weights my eyes
And see glimpses of sunlight through the leaves canopy when I lay my head down
I would close my eyes
And sharpen my senses to feel everything
The wind towards my face, the waving grasses under my feet, hear the breeze whispers some mellow melody, smell the fragrant of soft dancing petals
And stopped
Just to realize how peaceful it is
Where nobody can hurt me no more
When nobody can put me to prison they call misery
There’s only me, and the harmless tame nature
And then I’ll fly
And land on a beach
In the afternoon the warmth of the air paralyzed my body to relaxation
The ocean breeze slips through my hair
The white, clear sand put me on to comforts
Too silent
There’s only the sound of wave crashes and the breeze
I stood up and stand by the tip of the wave, the shore
The water is clearly blue
Puts me on a blue silhouette
I put my tiptoe onto the water
And how light the water was
Massages my feet
And when the night came, the beauty came out more extraordinary
Night stars
Different than others
You can never find night stars like this
It covers the dark sky with blinking lights
Like diamond sprinkles
And I light myself a fire
With sticks and branches
It feels so warm and cheerful
I dance around it
And watch the smoke flew into the dark Atlantic sky
Such a beautiful place
Where my mind will be a free, open book, but with no readers and intruders
No more open wound can bleed me
Nothing could possibly hurt me
I have to admit it is a little bit lonely
It is lonely
But how can I need somebody when they all hurt me?
And which would I prefer?
Lonesome freedom, or somebody by my side?
There is nothing real
Nothing true
It tore my heart when I realize choices are hard
I stared at the stars
Shooting star
I wished the world for a better place for me to live
And to be left
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Almost Alice
Uh yeah sebenernya bukan penemuan baru. Album ini udah gue download over 2 months ago (I think) and this is where I downloaded it. Enjoy :) Click here to download!
1. Alice (Underground) – Avril Lavigne
2. Poison – The All-American Rejects
3. Technicolor Phase – Owl City 4.
Her Name Is Alice – Shinedown
5. Painting Flowers – All Time Low
6. Where’s My Angel – Metro Station
7. Strange – Tokio Hotel and Kerli
8. Follow Me Down – 3OH!3 featuring Neon Hitch
9. Very Good Advice – by Robert Smith
10. In Transit – by Mark Hoppus with Pete Wentz
11. Welcome to Mystery – Plain White T’s
12. Tea Party – Kerli
13. The Lobster Quadrille – Franz Ferdinand
14. Running Out of Time – Motion City Soundtrack
15. Fell Down a Hole – Wolfmother
16. White Rabbit – Grace Potter and the Nocturnals
If you're asking for a simple comment about this album, it would be 'UH-MAZING!'. No doubts. No lies. Don't believe? Check em.
Now I'm going to share a bit of my favourite songs from this album and my top recommendation. Now the first one, one of the MOST special song:
1. In Transit - Mark Hoppus featuring Pete Wentz
Please look and reread at the artist. RE-READ. If you're not surprised then you're not normal--oh I mean it's....
MARK HOPPUS!!! Yes, THE Mark Hoppus from Blink 182! After not being heard for years after Blink quit the music world, HE IS BACK. He still EXIST. And now HE's rocking out with THE PETE WENTZ from Fall Out Boy (also Arma Angelus, Racetraitor, Birthright, and Cobra Starship).

And their song is just as lovely as the guys!
No that wasn't the reff, it's one of my favourite part :b
2. Poison - The All American Reject
Another beautiful song by AAR. You might now this song better than the others cause well, yeah, you might recognize this song way better than the others. I never even heard of the others :b This song is really full of emotions that I can't even explain to you. And for this song, I'm begging PLEASE FINISH IT. Don't stop it in the middle. PLAY UNTIL THE END OF IT. Why? Because this song is real unique. Like I said, it's full of emotions. So if you play the whole song you may find a rather odd part. You might understand if you read the book or watch the movie.
3. Painting Flowers - All Time Low
Well of course you also know this band like DUH who don't? Actually this song doesn't really sounds 'wonderland' but it's still good anyway.
4. Her Name is Alice - Shinedown
You might not now this 'Shinedown' (cause I don't ;o ) but I gotta the say. THIS is the song. THIS is Wonderland. THIS song MADE Almost Alice. If you listen to it and got the lyric you might understand. This song describe the story the most. I know unknown artist make you feel like 'never heard of it. rubbish.' but NO. This song is highly highly highly recommended.
5. Follow Me Down – 3OH!3 featuring Neon Hitch
Another well-known artist. Go check out.
6. Alice - Avril Lavigne
Well of course this is the leading song from Almost Alice. This is also, the only song played after the movie (on the movie credits). Sang by Avril Lavigne with her high pitched sweet voice. The rest of the song you might wanna check out eventhough some of them sounds weird and odd.
Eureka representing Alice♥

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Support Us!
Okay I'm actually confused cause some people call it porseni and the other called it o2sn-_-
Porseni = Pentas Olahraga dan Seni
O2SN = Olimpiade Olahraga Siswa Nasional
This is a really something cause we got only one chance, the maximum age is 1996, and we heard the rumor that the match will be 3 on 3. So my coach chosed Eksalanti, Tiara, Me, and Ananda for it.
And oh-my-God I'm darn scared. Why? Sounds like a BIG responsibility eh?
Our first match will be held this Friday at SMP Tarakanita 1. And I beg for your prayer and support :D
Number Thirteen from Nineteen
♥ Eurevannixer