Monday, September 28, 2009

Huahm z

Huahmz saya bosan lapar ngantuk tapi bertahan untuk onlinee -_- (apasih)

Oke ya jadi ceritanya hari ini bangun2 bokap gua marah2 gara2 bangun siang (jam 7, masih lumayan gak siiiih). Terus abis bokap gua wusshh pergi ngantor gua nyari2in Nintendo DS tercintah eh kagak ada bos! Terus gua nyari2 di tempat bokap gua biasa ngumpetin (gue sama adek gue udah lama tau tempat itu, terus kalo bokap gue pulang langsung ditaro di tempat itu lagi ngahah anak licik). Terus gue cari2 di situ kagak ada jugaa ngeek. Akhirnya gue sisir tuh satu rumah eh kagak ada jugaaaaa ampe gua cari di dalem sepatu hhhhhhhh akhirnya gubraklah saya menyerah.

Terus terus nyokap gue ngajak ke apartemen. Gua mah mau mau aja abisnya DS gak ada mendingan internetan di apartemen. Gua udah pake tanktop (pake cardigan juga laaah) terus pake rok selutut eeeh ternyata perginya naik 70 MEEENN gua lupa kalo mobilnya di apartemen duccc tapi terus gua memohon (cailah) naik taksi huakaka dikasih dewwccc tapi terus gue ganti celana panjang atasannya masih tanktop -_- akhirnya waktu jalan kedepan gang gua pegangin dah tuh cardigan zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Terus nyampe apartemen gue langsung drag the laptop blablablabla terus TemanGilaSaya (ai lop yu muacc) nyapa yaa terus cerita2 tentang CALON KAKAK IPARNYA HUAHAHAH dan kami menyingkap rahasia dibelakangnyaaa jrengjengg

Udah ah gak penting -____-


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Latihan Runaway -_-

Whoa i've done another sin today!

Oke jadi ceritanya kan gini, intinya (duh) my parents and my gramma dateng ke kondangan whoeveritis, terus tiba-tiba my dad's stupid-bastard-confusing-dumb-syndrome appeared. Masa katanya gue sama adek gue di suruh ke apartemen naik 70 buat nyuci baju JREEENGGG. And another World War 3 began in my beloved hoousseee.

Okay finally my Mom gave up and told us to do what we're told to (she's on the phone, the war contiunued in the car -,-). Yeah terus gue + loyal-dimwitted brother dragged that big bag (actually i could say that it's a package -___-) ke perempatan nyari taksi. HAHA oke sebenernya disuruh naik 70 tapi we're some fcking sinners who fights darkness -.- jadi cari taksi boom boom boom, apartment!

Oke sampe ke atas, gue sama adek gue masih in a deathly rage, ya know. bajunya dilempar masuk asal2an and i spilled some detergent -___-'' Apalagi adek gue kalo kesel sama bokap gue, wow, you won't believe the words that came out of his mouth hhhhh

Yeah, well at least the good part of this story is that me and my brother had some time spending in front of the laptop :p

Okay, more specific: 'Me and my brother had some time spending in front of ONE laptop -__-'

Jadi haha pertama dia main travian or whatsoeveritis plus some tabs full of games. terus gue minta buka YouTube dikasih (wow, what's wrong with him today? haha) terus ketagihan buka2 lagu gitu tapi kocaknya (dan memalukan z) jadi buka2 video lagu2 Pokemon Movie 1 loh HUAHAHA soalnya beberapa hari yang lalu nyetel cd Pokemon Movie dan wow ternyata gue masih suka loccc ngahah akhirnya kita buka2 buka2 video Naruto HUAHAHA eh tapi terus waktu bokap gue dateng langsung ditutup gitu tabnya hahak

Terus ya anehnya gitcu waktu berangkat mau ke apartemen gue takut banget -_- soalnya daerah agak kampung gitu hhhhh tapi terus waktu nyampe taksi (legaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) gue mikir latihan buat kalo pengen runaway dari rumah HAHA

You can say I'm a sinner
But swear I'm a believer!


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Emotionless (Hey Dad)

Oke, ehem (clearing throat) this song is meant for all pathetic fathers in the whole world (jah kayak ini lagu gue aja -,-). Intinya ini lagunya Good Charlotte (entah kenapa lagi seneng banget lagu2nya GC yang lama2 -_-), ditulis Benji&Joel Madden buat their Dad yang divorce waktu mereka 16. Terus waktu konser di manaa gitu waktu nyanyiin lagu ini Joel kan bilang sambil bercanda gitu "Go ahead and cry!" tapi terus Benji ngomongnya bener BENER serius pelan gitu "No, i'm serious. It's okay to cry." Terus waktu di tengah2 lagu tuh dia BENER BENER NANGIS (dikit doang sih, tapi keliatan). Dan DEMI ALLAH YA waktu gue pertama denger ini hampir nangis (berhubung jarang nangis z)

Lagu ini nge-influence gue banget karena yaah--let's just say it describes my life most likely.
Okay, Dad. Wishes you to hear this song and change for me, for my life. I hate slash love you Dad!

(Ini video live yang gue bilang itu)

Hey Dad,
I'm writing to you,
not to tell you that I still hate you.
Just to ask you how you feel
and how we fell apart,
how this fell apart.

Are you happy out there in this great wide world?
Do you think about your sons?
Do you miss your little girl?
When you lay your head down,
How do you sleep at night?
Do you even wonder if we're alright?

but we're alright,
We're alright...

Its been a long hard road without you by my side.
Why weren't you there all the nights that we cried?
You broke my mother's heart,
You broke your children for life.
Its not okay,
but we're alright.
I remember the days you were a hero in my eyes,
but Those are just a long lost memory of mine.
I spent so many years learning how to survive,
now I'm writing just to let you know I'm still alive.

The days I spent so
cold, so hungry,
Were full of hate,
I was so angry
The scars run deep inside this tatooed body,
Theres things I'll take to my grave,
But I'm Okay, I'm Okay.

Its been a long hard road without you by my side
Why weren't you there all the nights that we cried
You broke my mother's heart
You broke your children for life
Its not okay,
but we're alright
I remember the days you were a hero in my eyes
But those are just a long lost memory of mine,
Now I'm writing just to let you know im still alive,
And I'm still alive.

and Sometimes I forget
Yeah, and this time,
I'll admit,
That I miss you,
Said I miss you

Its been a long hard road without you by my side
Why weren't you there all the nights that we cried
You broke my mother's heart
You broke your children for life
Its not okay,
but we're alright
I remember the days you were a hero in my eyes
But Those are just a long lost memory of mine,
now I'm writing to just let you know I'm still alive

And sometimes I forget,
and this time,
I'll admit,
That I miss you,I miss you,
Hey Dad...