Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I know you never said this is the end. I know you never thought that I flew for you.
It was my own decision to end it.
You might never know what thing that ended.
I ended up loving you.

That you might not realize you made me fall for you.
You did. And I was flying really high when I crashed the ground.
Darn. It hurts.
It was not your fault but it hurts.

Or perhaps... some of it are your fault

Because you treat me like you love me and I know you did.
We sat together and just talked face to face and you were looking into my eyes
But I didn't dare to look back
It's a venom

Back then, I used to wish I-wish-this-never-ends
But now, I-wish-this-ends-now

You first came when I'm bleeding
And I thought you come up to heal this wound.
Everything changed.

That I thought this will be a unlike-unique-story
That he was Romeo but he left me
And you, Paris, came to me to be with me
That time he was still Romeo, cause I missed him
And you were Paris, just Paris.

As time goes by I fell deeper.
Things changed, again.
I believed that you're not Paris. You're not Romeo. You're more than that. You're everything
And he was just a pile of jerk.


In open-minded and open-hearted, I let you go
I let you roam free and though I'm not ready for what will I see, or even though you would still be close to me, I will leave you
I will never try to get myself near to you
So thank you
and goodbye

Goodbye :')

♥ Eurevannixer


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